Friday, September 25, 2009

Ghostland Observatory

Thursday, October 8th at Barrymore Theater

Wow, I can't believe this band is scheduled the same night as Portugal. The Man at the Majestic. I could probably understand it if it was a Friday or Saturday, but a Thursday? I guess their music styles are different enough that they would attract different crowds. But for me, tough choices will have to be made. I do have to say that the sound isn't always that great at the Barrymore, but I definitely would dance/mosh more at this show then Portugal. The Man. Hmmmm.
I can't remember where I first heard Ghostland Observatory, but I do remember seeing the video of them doing the song Vibrate and thinking that Aaron Behrens not only has an awesome high voice, but he is a dancer that everyone should idolize. Forget Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with Aaron Behrens for a future win. I also missed seeing them last year at Bonnaroo due issues.
Their music is very dancy with mostly just electronic synthesizer, drums, and Aaron's voice. Don't look too much into deep lyrics, Aaron's voice is definitely the star of this band.
Here's the two albums I have of them:

Paparazzi Lightning (2006)

Sad Sad City (video)

Robotique Majestique (2008)

Dancing on My Grave 

Post Show Review:

Holy Shit.  If there ever was a show that made me feel like I was messed up on drugs while being completely sober, this was it.  Everything said about their light show is true and more so.  There was one instrumental song that I swear felt like it went on for 10-15 minutes and although mostly repetitous in nature, the addition of the lights and fog made me feel like I was in some Discotheque Opium Den.  And I loved every minute of it.  This was part of the Southern Comfort UnderCover party, but I feel like this party was way more undercover then it should have been.  There were fewer people there then I would have expected for it being a free concert.  I have to say going through DJ Lords or whatever his name was, set was a little hard at times.  Most of his stuff was 1980's or early 90's.  But it was well worth it when Ghostland came on.  Amazing show.  Sorry if you missed it.  Keep checking this blog for more upcoming free shows so you won't miss out again.

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