Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Secret Machines

September 26th
Majestic Theater, Madison
w/ ... And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead and Invade Rome

I became aware of The Secret Machines when they were in town last year. They played a show at the Majestic and I remember it being, I believe, over $20 to see them. I thought to myself, and I may repeat this a lot but it's true, I saw Sleater-Kinney for $15 and have yet to see a band that is better that would be worth paying more for. $15 is usually the price I'll pay to see bands and they would have to have some name recognition or amazing music for me to shell out more.

After they came, I decided to check out their music to see if it was really worth that much money. Well, I can say that I am very glad that they are coming back to town.

Secret Machines label themselves as Space Rock which is definitely one of my favorite rock genres. I always just thought of it as music that makes you think you are high even when you aren't (It's my Anti-Drug!!). The first album I got of theirs was Now Here is Nowhere which also happens to be the first album they released. From the first song, First Wave Intact, I fell in love with the minimal vocals, the repetive and stong drums, and the spacey guitars. I pictured lights shining behind these rockers as they just jammed on stage and the audience was transported to some psychedelic realm of goodness. And it wasn't just the first song, but this was one of the few albums I have that every song fits nicely within the album with some songs being upbeat while others are airy and melodic. The second album I got from them was Ten Silver Drops. I thought maybe it was a fluke that their first album was that good. Although not as good as their first album, Ten Silver Drops is by no means a bad album. I do think the best track is the first one, Alone, Jeaous, and Stoned

Top Songs to check out:

Now Here is Nowhere

Ten Silver Drops

Side Note: I missed seeing Invade Rome at Forward Music Festival because of scheduling issues and I'm very glad to be able to see them at this show. Check out their music here. I have a soft spot for Rock guys who sing with falsetto voices.


  1. Very nice Shawn.
    Give us some links to the tracks [youtube, mp3, myspace, vimeo, etc]

  2. I'm going to link songs to hype machine until I find a better way of doing it. Thanks for the comment!
