Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Gossip

Saturday, October 17 at Majestic Theatre
W/ MEN (featuring J.D. from Le Tigre)

Not only am I a big Gossip fan, but I can't believe J.D. who I think is extremely attractive is also performing there with his new DJ group, MEN.  And what can I say but this is definitely going to be a huge Lesbian lovefest with so much attractive lesbians on stage.  And I'm extremely excited to be in the thick of it all. 

I found out about the Gossip the last time they were in town which I believe was 2006 at the Annex.  It wasn't that crowded but The Gossip put on one hell of a show.  Not only that, but Beth Ditto, the lead singer totally hung out with us after the show as she was smoking out doors.  How someone with a voice like her can smoke is beyond me.  My first album of theirs was Standing in the Way of Control.  A remix of the title song from that album was used to promote a new TV show in the U.K. called SKINS.  The video of that trailer can be seen here.  It's also how I was introduced to Skins and now it's one of my favorite TV shows. 

But it isn't just her voice that will blow you away.  Her live performances make you feel the passion behind her songs and it is a rare crowd that can't get up and dance/mosh/or jump up and down vigorously. I left pretty sweaty after her performance at the Annex and I know for sure I will leave in the same condition at the Majestic.

Songs that are a must listen/see.

Standing in the Way of Control (2006)

Standing in the Way of Control (look at her strut!  Amazing!)
Yr. Mangled Heart (performed at a huge Fashion Show)

Music for Men (2009)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Tuesday, October 20 at High Noon Saloon.  7pm
W/ Sunset Rubdown

tUnE-YaRdS is Merrill Garbus and I have to say I had the distinct honor in having this amazing musician stay at our house last year.  I didn't know anything about her before she came and didn't hear much of her stuff until I saw her perform at the Project Lodge.  Then I was blown away.  Here was this person that I thought was like every other starving musician hoping to get a few fans, sell a few tapes (she didn't have any CD's) and then that was that.  But when I heard her, I knew she was very different. 

First thing that will catch your attention is Merrill's voice.  This voice can ring loud and true or soft and wisp like depending on the feel of her songs.  And Merrill is very much a DIY person, performing every part of each song, looping the drums, guitar, and sometimes a little Beat Boxing on her part.  I have to say that her live performance was one of the best I saw at the entire Forward Music Festival, given that the setup alone had you guessing how everything will come together.  That drum beat.  That beatboxing.  Where was she going with it?  And then she would add her voice.  Ahhh...everything comes together and you are left amazed to have witness the creation of each of her songs. 

She has spent time in Africa, and it shows with some of her vocals and with some of the sounds within her songs.  All and all, she is someone not to miss.

Check out these songs:

BiRd-BrAiNs (2008)


Monday, September 28, 2009

Bo Burnham, YouTube Sensation

Saturday, October 10 at Majestic Theater - 2 Shows

First off, how can you not be slightly in love with this guy just looking at his picture.  Awkward, witty and with a mouth like Sara Silverman, how can you go wrong.  Whoa...wait a minute.  He's dirty?  Oh...Yes.  Bo Burnham started off writing and performing songs on YouTube and soon got up to a million viewers for each video.  Being 15 or 16 at the time, he was thrust into popularity and was soon making some good money from his youtube videos.   But it isn't just his cute looks and his witty songs that made him famous.  This guy is actually a pop reference genius and his delivery of his songs are hard not to laugh at.  I personally would love to see this guy, and I'm still considering it even though I know that I will probably be surrounded by 16 year old swooning girls and a few kind of creepy older gay men.  ehm...which I'm totally not a part of.  Ever.  Anway, do yourself a favor.  Watch just a few of this guys videos and tell me he isn't possibly worth $20.

Bo Burnham's Greatest Hits in Video

Welcome to Youtube (if you aren't YouTube obsessed, this won't make much sense)


Friday, September 25, 2009

Ghostland Observatory

Thursday, October 8th at Barrymore Theater

Wow, I can't believe this band is scheduled the same night as Portugal. The Man at the Majestic. I could probably understand it if it was a Friday or Saturday, but a Thursday? I guess their music styles are different enough that they would attract different crowds. But for me, tough choices will have to be made. I do have to say that the sound isn't always that great at the Barrymore, but I definitely would dance/mosh more at this show then Portugal. The Man. Hmmmm.
I can't remember where I first heard Ghostland Observatory, but I do remember seeing the video of them doing the song Vibrate and thinking that Aaron Behrens not only has an awesome high voice, but he is a dancer that everyone should idolize. Forget Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with Aaron Behrens for a future win. I also missed seeing them last year at Bonnaroo due issues.
Their music is very dancy with mostly just electronic synthesizer, drums, and Aaron's voice. Don't look too much into deep lyrics, Aaron's voice is definitely the star of this band.
Here's the two albums I have of them:

Paparazzi Lightning (2006)

Sad Sad City (video)

Robotique Majestique (2008)

Dancing on My Grave 

Post Show Review:

Holy Shit.  If there ever was a show that made me feel like I was messed up on drugs while being completely sober, this was it.  Everything said about their light show is true and more so.  There was one instrumental song that I swear felt like it went on for 10-15 minutes and although mostly repetitous in nature, the addition of the lights and fog made me feel like I was in some Discotheque Opium Den.  And I loved every minute of it.  This was part of the Southern Comfort UnderCover party, but I feel like this party was way more undercover then it should have been.  There were fewer people there then I would have expected for it being a free concert.  I have to say going through DJ Lords or whatever his name was, set was a little hard at times.  Most of his stuff was 1980's or early 90's.  But it was well worth it when Ghostland came on.  Amazing show.  Sorry if you missed it.  Keep checking this blog for more upcoming free shows so you won't miss out again.

Portugal. The Man.

Thursday, October 8 at Majestic Theater

w/ Hockey & Drug Rug

Portugal. The Man was another band I saw some of at Bonnaroo this past year. There was big hype about them around and I saw they were playing both in Madison and Milwaukee earlier this year, but since I paid my $250 for Bonnaroo, I planned to see them there. Unfortunately, this year wasn't the best Bonnaroo experience I have ever had (given that it was only my second time there, that pretty much means it wasn't as awesome as last year) I didn't see much of their show.

I classify their music as sounding indie rock which by my definition is beautiful and strong vocals, folk/rock sounding music and a touch of the electronic. John Baldwin Gourley, the lead singer, has an amazing voice that is harmonized by other members of the band to create some really beautiful songs.

They have released albums every year since 2006. I have their latest three albums and here are some songs I recommend checking out from them. Maybe it's just me, but I find that I usually love the first album I hear of a band more then other albums so I have to say that Censored Colors is a great place to start. I'll probably be buying their older albums at their show October 8th.

Censored Colors (2008)
And I (video

The Satanic Satanist (2009)

Do You (video)

The Majestic Majesty (2009)

This is just an acoustic version of The Satanic Satanist and is available as a download here

Wednesday, September 23, 2009



September 23

Aragon Ballroom


Phoenix was one of the many bands that I'm pretty sure Cheng introduced me to. Or Ryan. Either way, I know their song Lisztomania was the first song I heard from them. I was able to catch the last song of their set at Bonnaroo which was 1901 and probably their most well known song off their latest album Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix. They were playing right before Crystal Castles, who I was really excited to see. I'm the type that if passing by a tent at Bonnaroo I come across some great music coming from it, I tend to try to fight my way through the crowd to see whose playing. We were hearing the beginning of 1901 as we approached the tent and this song is so fun and danceable that I was excited to push through to where everyone was dancing. After their set, two people that were standing near us expressed how they have never heard of Phoenix before, but definitely thought it was one of the best bands they saw so far. I saw that they were touring this fall and that almost all of their shows have sold out except one in Chicago. So that is where I'm off to tonight and I'm pretty excited for this show.

Phoenix I feel is a more realistic band in the sense that they have been putting albums out for a long time and have only recently gotten any recognition. I never understand how bands who haven't even put out an album get blown up so quickly. Also, reading up on them, although they are from France they have been getting more attention outside of France particularly in the U.K. and in the United States. I know, how un American to be loving a product of France that isn't fashion or food. Here's hoping we can put our international feud aside and more bands from France make it big over here.

Top Songs to Listen Too:

Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix


Unfortunately I haven't checked out their earlier albums, but when I do, I'll let you know which songs to check out.
I have to say that the Aragon Ballroom in Chicago is the most beautiful venue I have ever seen. Decorated in an "Arabian Knights" style, the inside of the ballroom reminded me of the Prince of Persia video game. The walls were designed like the outside of an Arabian palace. Between the intricate designed towers was a balcony that also had additional seating. The entry way into the venue and the bathrooms were decorated with mosaic tiles and added a lot to the feeling of being in some Arabian palace. If you ever get a chance to see a show there, I definitely recommend checking it out. The show itself definitely made me feel like I was watching a rock show. The lighting effects were amazing and added to the music. Listening to Phoenix live, I think they excel most when they build up songs into a crescendo, lyrics or not. Too me, other then their final song, 1901, the instrumental songs were my favorite.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Secret Machines

September 26th
Majestic Theater, Madison
w/ ... And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead and Invade Rome

I became aware of The Secret Machines when they were in town last year. They played a show at the Majestic and I remember it being, I believe, over $20 to see them. I thought to myself, and I may repeat this a lot but it's true, I saw Sleater-Kinney for $15 and have yet to see a band that is better that would be worth paying more for. $15 is usually the price I'll pay to see bands and they would have to have some name recognition or amazing music for me to shell out more.

After they came, I decided to check out their music to see if it was really worth that much money. Well, I can say that I am very glad that they are coming back to town.

Secret Machines label themselves as Space Rock which is definitely one of my favorite rock genres. I always just thought of it as music that makes you think you are high even when you aren't (It's my Anti-Drug!!). The first album I got of theirs was Now Here is Nowhere which also happens to be the first album they released. From the first song, First Wave Intact, I fell in love with the minimal vocals, the repetive and stong drums, and the spacey guitars. I pictured lights shining behind these rockers as they just jammed on stage and the audience was transported to some psychedelic realm of goodness. And it wasn't just the first song, but this was one of the few albums I have that every song fits nicely within the album with some songs being upbeat while others are airy and melodic. The second album I got from them was Ten Silver Drops. I thought maybe it was a fluke that their first album was that good. Although not as good as their first album, Ten Silver Drops is by no means a bad album. I do think the best track is the first one, Alone, Jeaous, and Stoned

Top Songs to check out:

Now Here is Nowhere

Ten Silver Drops

Side Note: I missed seeing Invade Rome at Forward Music Festival because of scheduling issues and I'm very glad to be able to see them at this show. Check out their music here. I have a soft spot for Rock guys who sing with falsetto voices.

First Blog!

I have to be up front. My main reason for doing this blog is to keep my writing skills in check, which being out of college now for a number of years, has severely deteriorated. I'm very glad these blogs have spell checks.

So what I want to do with this blog is to write about different artists I come across, old and new, and to report not only on their music but also on background information. For starters I'm going to try and focus on bands who are touring and coming to our fair town of Madison. In the music dead zone of winter, where tours seem scarce, I'll probably write some articles on bands that newly appear on my radar as well as new albums released by current favorite bands of mine. I also usually attend some big music festival in the summer and will try and write up on some amazing artists that will be performing at whichever festival I'm going to.

My hopes is that maybe I can get good enough at writing these things to be linked on Dane101. But judging on this first entry, I may have a few months to go.