Saturday, May 1, 2010

Jonsi at Pabst April 26

Hands down, I think this is going to be the best show I see all year.  I believe I can say that even though I'm planning on going to Sasquatch this year, which will be exciting in itself.  But seeing Jonsi's concert at the Pabst was one of the most visual and aural experiences I've ever been a part of.  And you did feel like you were a part of the show by the end. 

Before I get to the main act, I definitely have to mention the opener.  It takes a lot for a man and a guitar to go up on stage and entertain me.  I've seen acts similar to this and most people know that this guy either has to be an amazing guitar player or has to have an interesting and amazing voice.  Luckily for us, both of these applied to Death Vessel.  Unfortunately, I don't think the songs on his myspace capture how amazing this guy was.  His falsetto voice and his choice in words just complimented each other so well.  Both Tree and I were swooning to this guy by the end.

Now on to Jonsi.  First off, there was this giant "cloth" hanging at the back of the stage.  I had read up on this show and I know that he said there was this huge theatrical component to the show that they were having to lug behind them when they were touring the US.  So I was a little disappointed when all I saw was this huge cloth hanging from the back of the stage.  But that changed right from the first song.  The sheet became a backdrop for the beginning of Jonsi's nature motif that would carry on throughout his show. Here's a pic from the first song. 
The image of the cave drawings "burned" up by the second or third song and all that was left was this giant burned out structure.  It's hard to describe it and I wish I had a better picture of it, but it was huge and there as a lot of other elements a part of it that created this multi-texture look.  Through out the show, different drawings and art danced across this backdrop, from ants scurrying across dragging bits of garbage, to what looked like the whole back of the stage filling up with water, to then at the climax of the song to "burst" forth.  The coordination between his songs and this art and also just the beauty of the art itself astounded everyone that was in attendance at this show.  Again, best show I will see all year.  If you are lucky enough to have Jonsi come even remotely close to where you live, I would encourage you to pay the $30 or so to see him.  Amazing.

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