Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Steve Aoki

Saturday, December 12 at Majestic Theater
Presented by WUD and IQ

It's so weird that I was just talking about this guy last week, and now I find out he is coming to Madison.  Since I'm a big fan of WUD, IQ and the Majestic, I got quite a few invites for this event.  I like when good music just drops in my lap like that.  Anyway, here's my fun story on how I found out about Steve Aoki.  I was looking up songs of Will.I.Am for my coworker who wanted to listen to some in our office.  I couldn't find any of Will.I.Am on the Hype Machine, but I did find the name Zuper Blahq come up. Who the hell is this and why did he come up when I typed in Will.I.Am?  I came to the video linked above, and there I heard Steve Aoki for the first time.  And boy did I dig this DJ. So I asked Cheng about him, because if there is any DJ in Madison who has heard about other DJ's, it's Chen Cheng.  And that's where I learned more about Steve Aoki.
        So here's some of his stuff.  He does some great remixes of popular indie bands as well as making his own music up.  It definitely sounds very techno-y and repetitive at times, but the sounds are pretty cool.  And hipster kids seem to dig him. 

WARP ( I totally think I'm watching an American Apparel or Urban Outfitters ad)
Gifted by N.A.S.A (Steve Aoki mix)
Gladiator by Autoerotique (Steve Aoki mix)

1 comment:

  1. Hey that's me :) Can't wait for this show! I actually met the girlfriend of the guy who helped arrange this. He happens to be a DJ as well.
